Feb 10, 2011


Endocarditis is an inflammation or infection of the endocardium, which is the inner wall of the heart muscle and, more often, the heart valves. Description endocarditis epicardium (outermost layer), the myocardium (middle, muscular layer) and endocardium (inner layer): the heart is composed of three layers of cells. The endocardium lines all rooms and heart valves, and its cells are continuous with those of blood vessels from the heart. If bacterial endocarditis is not treated properly, it can be fatal. Causes and risk factors for endocarditis in infective endocarditis, the bacteria cluster work on and around the heart valves, it could affect their ability to correct.

Although bacterial endocarditis may occur at any time that someone is in people who have not rare heart valve disease. Other predisposing factors include artificial heart valves, congenital heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation. People with risk factors are more likely to endocarditis, an infection developed when exposed to a source. Infections, dental surgery, urology, gynecologic surgery, colonoscopy, skin and increase the risk of endocarditis, even if no pre-existing valve anatomical deformation. Intravenous drug users are also at significant risk. People with existing diseases of the heart valve (aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, mitral insufficiency, etc.) And people who have undergone heart valve replacement have an increased risk of endocarditis developing.

Symptoms of endocarditis, the symptoms of bacterial endocarditis include fever, fatigue, anorexia, night sweats, chills, headache, joint pain and the tiny size to identify bleeding in the chest and back, fingers, toes or.

The diagnosis of endocarditis, an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the muscle and heart valves) may be useful to identify a bunch of bacteria on the heart valve.
The treatment of endocarditis, bacterial endocarditis almost always requires hospitalization for antibiotic treatment, usually administered intravenously, given at least at first.

Sometimes, treatment with oral antibiotics at home to be successful. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged heart valve.
Prevention of endocarditis, it is important that you tell your doctor or dentist risk factors for endocarditis, you may have.


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