Etymologically the word dyslexia means about language difficulties. In the present sense refers to problems of reading disorder in reading acquisition. A first simple definition of dyslexia is telling us that the problem is learning to read who have children whose IQ is normal and displayed no other physical or psychological problems may explain these difficulties. According to some statistics dyslexia affects more or less 10% or 15% of schoolchildren and adults.
There is consensus that between 4 and 5% of children have serious problems learning to read, with the consequent difficulty writer.In practice, talks about dyslexia and difficulties arise when the same or similar symptoms to dyslexia in children who start learning, but these symptoms disappear quickly on their own during training. The symptoms to which I refer are investments in the writing and /or reading, additions, omissions, mirror writing, hesitations, repetitions. If however in a text on dyslexia, given the label of dyslexia to difficulties in learning reading and writing that occur in children with intellectual disabilities.
In my practice I refer to dyslexia only when it meets the simple definition of the beginning: child learns to read, with normal intelligence and no other problems to
explain the difficulty. Dyslexia in principle be a learning problem, just create a distinctive personality in the classroom notes or by inhibition, and withdrawal or by the emergence of disruptive behavior, talking, fighting, not working. Sometimes dyslexia is linked to difficulties in pronunciation, with greater impact on the difficulty in pronouncing new words, long or contain combinations of letters of the kind that make you reading difficulties.
Dyslexia in the classroom can be detected initially by the delay in learning of literacy, the peculiarities that occur when you get to start learning, slowly, the trend in spelling, poor reading comprehension due to the lack of pace The lack of punctuation. As courses go, the problems become acute, since the study, and school work in general is based on skills and the child is progressively delayed. Instead of ignoring the problems, attributing them to apathy, distractibility, or immaturity, I recommend referral to the psychologist / a school in order to rule out problems of intellectual disability or other diagnosis and guide to the immaturity or dyslexia. I recommend keeping track of the presence of dyslexia in all children classified as immature.
Understanding how and why many learned and intelligent people, even geniuses have experienced difficulties in its path parallel differential learning challenge is that science is unraveling slowly, em130 years of research.
The complexity of understanding of what dyslexia is directly linked to understanding the human being: who we are, what is Memory and Thought-Thought and Language, learn how and why we can find facilities to genius, mixed up with difficulties basic to our individual learning process. It is as if the words jumped and danced before the eyes of the dyslexic." The difficulty in understanding and defining what is dyslexia, which causes has created a world as diverse information, which confounds and misinformation. Today, the most comprehensive and serious study on this subject, we recorded 20% of the U.S. population as dyslexic, with the further observation: "there are many undiagnosed dyslexics in our country." To underline, 10 students in each classroom, two are dyslexic, with a significant degree of difficulty. Also to highlight the great importance of the position of dyslexic in the classroom it, and consider the serious problem of juvenile violence, citing the deplorable phenomenon of suicide in children in the USA, brings the serious record of 40 (forty) children commit suicide every day in that country.
Dr. Norman Geschwind, MD, professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and professor of psychology at MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, director of the Neurology Unit at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, MA, lucid and tenacious investigator who took the helm of Neurological Research in Dyslexia, after the death of pioneering researcher, Dr. Samuel Orton, said the lack of consensus in understanding what is dyslexia, started from the decoding of the term coined to name those specific learning difficulties, which was elected the Latin dys meaning, such as difficulty, and lexia, as a word. For all the complexity that really is Dyslexia; contradiction derived by many different sides and angles of personal and professional vision, because the ways of scientific discoveries that provide answers to these specific learning difficulties have been extremely long and laborious, requiring ever, consensus is an essential human eye, logical and lucid to the broader understanding of what dyslexia is.
Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty of Language: Reading, Spelling, Writing in expressive or receptive language, in Reason and Calculation Math as Language and Social Body. Difficulties in learning to read, to varying degrees, is very evident in about 80% of dyslexics.
Feb 22, 2011
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