Feb 14, 2011


Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder where a person has two motor and vocal tics. Syndrome Tourette’s disorder is a neurological (brain) condition that usually begins in childhood. Because a child or the sounds of words (vocal tics) and body movements (motor tics) to be performed are beyond its control. Tourette's disorder (TD) is also known as syndrome Tourette’s disorder Tourette’s disorder. Not all tics are TD. The child may have tics and not develop TD. Motor tics usually start between the ages of 2-8. Tics are usually at their lowest in 12 years. The effect on children varies tics. Some children have mild tics that have a lesser impact on their lives. But tics, even mild or infrequent may affect your child's self-esteem and relationships with friends and family. Serious and frequent tics may require treatment, including medicine and counseling. Even if a minor child can be twitch, they can learn the skills of the child and can cause harm embarrassment. Tics are not a sign of low intelligence and have no effect on intelligence. How well the child can cope with tics can be helped by supporting the family, school, community and environment.

What causes Tourette’s disorder?
Most children with TD have unique types and patterns of motor and vocal tics. These tics may: bursts of movement (motor) or sounds (voice) occur. Tics may also occur more slowly. The child may have tics more severe and more often, and then gradually improve. Weeks or months later, the child may develop a twitch or an old tic may come back for a "whole.

Causes of Tourette Syndrome
The condition appears to be hereditary - if you suffer from Tourette syndrome, there is a probability of 50 percent each of your children who inherit the gene or genes that cause disease. However, your children will not necessarily develop the syndrome of Tourette’s disorder, also inherit the gene. If your child develop Tourette's syndrome, he or she can not have the tick as yourself.

For some people, doctors can find a family and not the cause of the syndrome of Tourette’s disorder's is unknown. The diagnosis of Tourette syndrome
If you think you suffer from Tourette syndrome, you should consult your family doctor. The family doctor can diagnose the disease, if you are under 18 years and has had multiple tics and at least one motion noise tic for at least a year. If you have mild symptoms, it can be difficult to diagnose the syndrome of Tourette’s disorder. Some children may have Tourette's syndrome with other conditions such as ADHD.

Treatment of Tourette's syndrome
Your doctor may prescribe medicines called neuroleptics, such as haloperidol. Another medicine useful for reducing tics is clonidine. These medicines reduce your tics.
Talking therapies
Talking to a counsellor or therapist may help reduce your symptoms.
Behavioural therapies
Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is another option in which you learn to suppress tics.


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