Nov 12, 2009

God Of Perfect Timing

One thirty, I thought as I stowed my backpack in the rear of my station wagon.

"Three o'clock," came the clear thought back.

No, one thirty, I thought again. I need to get gas, then go downtown to REI. I should make it into Ephrata about one thirty.

I was getting ready to go to Eastern Washington to teach a Civil Air Patrol class on Land Search and Rescue -- initials "LSAR" for short. Among other things, I had been trained as an Operations Officer for my squadron. Years of planning activities made it automatic for me to build a time schedule in my head, even when I wasn't in charge of the overall event I was heading to.

I knew from experience how long it took to travel between various points, and how long I would need downtown. I calculated automatically in my mind that I should get to the training camp about one thirty that Friday afternoon.

I forgot about the "still small voice" that had said three o'clock, and continued packing the car, then headed out. I got gas and then drove into Seattle to the big outdoor supplier that was one of my favorite shopping places.

It's a good thing I don't live closer, I thought, or I'd always be broke! I was always adding to my supply of camping and hiking gear. And being involved in search and rescue, I was always on the lookout for newer, lighterweight gear -- anything to lighten my backpack and still be well equipped.

Well, I got delayed in traffic and then again waiting in line to pay for my purchases at the store before finally heading over the pass. As I pulled into town later that day, I happened to look up at a clock in a barber shop window. It said exactly three o'clock!

I smiled -- remembering that the Bible says even our "times" are in God's hands. Speaking to my heavenly Father, I affirmed again, "You really are a God of perfect timing!



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